Ride Hard

Feel Good

Fusion Peak is about you, the cyclist; seeking the balance of comfort, power and efficiency to maximise your riding experience.
When you feel at one with your bicycle – that is Fusion Peak.

Featured Services

Bike Fitting

Bike fitting from head to toe

Custom Frame Design

Create your new custom bike from your personal fit and style

Shoes & Cleats

Arch support, foot correction and cleat position

Specialty Services

LORE Cycling Shoes

3D Printed cycling shoes, the ultimate fit

The C68 Experience

Looking for the ultimate road bike

Sidas Custom Cycling Insoles

Custom Carbon Insoles by Sidas

Cycling Prosthesis

Innovative Prosthesis For Below The Knee Amputees

3D Printing

Custom 3D Printed Parts Made For You


Hey Aaron,

I just wanted to share my news with you because I know for a fact that I'm only able to ride and race pain free (and really at all) because of how well you set me up on my bike.

I raced on Sunday in Geelong which was an Ironman 70.3 World Championship qualifier and the Triathlon Australia Long Course National Championships. I had the best ride to date. I placed 3rd in the Nationals and qualified for Worlds.

I've had a lot of people make judgments about my bike set up but I know I'm only on it because of how it's been fit for me. So thank you! You did an amazing job that keeps benefiting me. I don't have any issues with my back anymore so perhaps soon I can come back in for a review.
In the meantime I just wanted to convey my gratitude and acknowledge that your work is awesome.

Many many thanks

Alli70.3 Triathlon

I had no idea how much of difference the fit made to my riding. Job well done.

JaneThanks Aaron

Aaron is passionate and thorough about getting you and your bike working optimally together. He ensures you are comfortable with any changes being made, and communicates throughout the reasons why any change might be made.

Sarah AnneCycling Coach

Hi Aaron,
I hope you're well. I just wanted to let you know how it's going on the bike..... Amazingly! Straight away my neck issue felt so much better and has reduced way down in pain, best in years, with the physio and bike fit it's really helped. Also, the overuse injury cleared right up, so cleat placement was a large factor! I'm still aware of the inner sole rises but I feel the transfer of power much better from leg to peddle so I may just suck it up or adjust myself slightly. I am soooo happy with the fit, thank you so much. I've also recommended you to so many people already so hopefully they come your way. Many, many thanks and I'll be back for the next bike. 😁
Kind Regards, Anja


The bike feels great, I have done a number of rides 80 km+ with lots of climbing plus interval training in the week. Good news all with no pain, nothing.

Thanks for your help. I was very frustrated and ready to chuck the bike!

Happy to recommend you to anyone, thanks again.


WadeFrustrated Cyclist

Hi Aaron,
Thanks for the CAD of my Ultimate.
I have been gradually pushing a bit harder in my rides, adding some intensity on the hills and some extra distance (up to 55kms).
It is all feeling very positive. My position and peddling action on both bikes is feeling very comfortable and smooth.
The shoe adjustments have been very effective. I’m sensing that I have a very good connection to put out power through the pedals.
I’m holding good power outputs with lower than the usual heart rate - so the adjustments are translating into good performance on my bikes and I have some improvement to go in my fitness so I’m really excited about the potential for further improvement.
Most importantly there is none of the previous tightness/soreness on my right side, particularly my hip and lower back. As I push harder going up a gradual hill in the seat my glutes and legs feel the work but not my hip and back. I feel good once I stretch and cool down after a ride and the next morning.
Above all, I'm really enjoying riding again. I’m still working on being balanced as I pedal but still feel very smooth in my action and I’m getting stronger and fitter without it taking too much toll on my body.
Thanks so much for your expertise and all the adjustments they are working so well for me!

Best wishes for the Christmas season

PeteCanyon Rider

It’s about you, the cyclist. 

It’s about you, the cyclist. 

It’s about you, the cyclist. 

It’s about you, the cyclist. 

It’s about you, the cyclist. 

It’s about you, the cyclist. 

I believe the customers’ experience is the most important part of my job, it’s your body and your bike.

Whether you are riding to the shops or across the country, you should feel comfortable.
If you have neck, back, knee or foot pain, saddle soreness, hand or foot numbness then your bike or shoes don’t fit you properly.

Time to make you fast and comfortable.

Let’s get you tuned in!